It turned out that the decision to build a convention centre is a little premature.
So I went back and took a close look at the conditions around the location. The analysis shows the high rate of unemployed and the low purchasing power of the people living in Gaarden.
this shows the unemployment rateUntil the erection of the pedestrian Bridge over the Hörn made an end to this isolation, Gaarden has been totaly seperated from the rest of the city by the habour, other industrial areas and the railway tracks. I assume the high value of inhabitants with forgein background is a result of the settlement of many guestworkers during the sixtys which found employment on the dockyards.
The assumed monofunctional employment structur of Gaarden is in combination of global factors a reason for the high unemployment and therefore a reason for the low purchsing power. The high amount of post war dwellings from the fiftys which have in general a poorer living quality than dwellings from the 19th century has its roots in the heavy air raids during WW2.
It is observed that a slight process of gentrification is taking place. More people moving either to Mettenhof (satellie town in the west) or into the south of the city to Meimersdorf and to Moorsee (private estate development areas).
I assume that people who can afford a one family house go to the south and poorer people are pushed into Mettenhof. This might partly have its reason in the new price policy of the real estate trusts (BauBecon/ Pirelli RE) which have bought great parts of the dwellings in gaarden from the city. Which has been the former puplic owner.
A reason for this price policy is the fact that Gaarden is of great interest for German people in the age of 20-24. These young germans which has moved from outside the city to gaarden are in large parts students. They ask for affordable innercity locations. So the real estate trusts can choose which kind of hirer come into their estate.
The bridge over the Hörn is also used by passengers using the Ferrys to Norway. The Norwegenkai. The ferrys arrive every day at 10 and leave at 14 o clock.
I think in order to push the value of Gaarden, this students have to be kept into Gaarden. So a development of a start up center for young professionals in combination with higher standart living might be a slolution. Also the high amount of passengers passing the Hörnbrücke should be integrated and used. But I still do not have a clear vision how to combine a attraction point for forgein guests and a development of dwellings and startup centers on my location.