Tuesday, May 11, 2010

noise, gas and wind- first parameters from Kiel

Just received a Mail with information about parameters like noise, wind and air polution. Very helpful. Thanks to Mr. Juhl from the "Umweltschutzamt".

Monday, May 10, 2010

auferstanden aus vektoren

Building the context-model...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Maya Windtunnelsimulation-first steps

Here is a screenshot of my first try out of the maya windtunnel simulation. As soon the environmental model is finished I'll map out the areas of high wind speeds. They will be feeding the voxels of my parametric model.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

xyz to surface and prep. for windtunnel simulation

Got the xyz data from kiel last week. I wrote a short script to turn the points into surface. As I take wind as one of the parameters influencing my model I am currently preparing the Maya Fluid model for that. Pictures will come.